When I was first branching out into reading more
non-fiction, I thought it would be good to read some travel writing. I’d
enjoyed the nature books so much, that travel seemed like a natural next step.
I remember browsing the shelves at Waterstones and seeing lots of titles that
looked fascinating, including those by Sibylle Bedford and Freya Stark who I
suspect I will be investigating at some point in the future. In the end it was
Full Tilt by Dervla Murphy that most caught my imagination, combining my dual
loves of travel and bicycles (though my own bicycle is feeling a little
neglected these days).
This whole book is a testament to Murphy’s
self-determination, her spirit and openness, her willingness to push herself to
the absolute limits. By the time I was around a third of the way through the
book, Murphy was my heroine. She is an amazing woman, the kind of woman whose
feats should be known to all, a role model whose name should fall off the lips
along with the other great explorers, distinguished by the fact that she didn’t
fail. I’m gibbering, I know, but if there was ever an example of fearlessness,
she is definitely it. In the course of her journey she suffers multiple vehicle
accidents, is attacked by wolves as she describes with aplomb here (note: Roz
is the name of her bicycle):
“It was soon after 6pm
when, leaving Roz on the truck, I set off along a convenient cart-track through
the trees, where the snow had been packed down by sleighs collecting fire-wood.
It was some fifteen minutes later when a heavy weight hurled itself at me
without warning.
I stumbled, dropping
the torch that I had been carrying, then recovered my balance, and found one
animal hanging by its teeth from the left shoulder of my wind-cheater, another
worrying at the trousers around my right ankle, and a third standing about two
yards away, looking on, only its eyes visible in the starlight.
Ironically enough, I
had always thought that there was something faintly comical in the idea of
being devoured by wolves. It had seemed the sort of thing that doesn’t really happen…So now, as I braced my body against
the hanging weight, slipped off my glove, pulled my .25 out of my pocket,
flicked up the safety catch and shot the first animal through the skull, I was
possessed by the curious conviction that none of this was true, while at the
same time all my actions were governed by sheer panic.”
In addition she suffers numerous rape attempts (which she
dispatches with similar aplomb, if not loss of life), several broken ribs on
being struck accidentally by the butt of a gun, is stung by a scorpion
followed, the very next day, by hornets, near-fatal sunstroke, almost drowning
and near starvation. It is astonishing that she lived to share the tale of her
journey, but her strength of character and extraordinary determination carried
her through. And yes, I am gibbering again.
Murphy herself is at pains to point out how ordinary she is,
perhaps to stave off the kind of heroine-worship I’m falling into here. As she
explains in the beginning:
“This is perhaps the
moment to contradict the popular fallacy that a solitary woman who undertakes
this sort of journey must be ‘very courageous’. Epictetus put it in a nutshell
when he said, ‘For it is not death or hardship that is a fearful thing, but the
fear of death and hardship.’ And because in general the possibility of physical
danger does not frighten me, courage is not required; when a man tries to rob
or assault me or when I find myself, as darkness is falling, utterly exhausted
and waist-deep in snow half-way up a mountain pass, then I am afraid – but in such circumstances it is
the instinct of self-preservation, rather than courage, that takes over.’
I think she is too modest. I think she is both a courageous
and fearless woman, and we could all learn a lot from her. Perhaps Murphy,
here, reflects a more altruistic society in which it was not considered ‘strange’
for women to pursue their dreams, to take risks and seek adventure. Perhaps the
fact that she has to mention it is proof that we’re not there yet.
There, I’ve gibbered enough. Now to her journey. We join
Murphy as she enters Europe and quickly she covers the period during which she
cycles through Yugoslavia and Bulgaria and into Turkey. Much of this early part
of the journey is covered in quite superficial detail (wolves excepted) though
the journey was doubtless eventful and more difficult than anticipated.
Problems with roads and difficult weather conditions meant that much of the
time she was unable to cycle, but instead travelled by bus or by truck.
The story really starts as she enters Afghanistan, a country
for which she develops a real and palpable fondness. Everywhere she goes she
discovers spectacular landscapes, as she describes here:
“We left Kabul at 7am
in perfect cycling weather with a brilliant, warm sun, a cool breeze behind u
and the air crisp and clear. Beyond a doubt today’s run up the Ghorband valley
was the most wonderful cycle-ride of my life. Surely this must have been the
Garden of Eden – it’s so beautiful that I was too excited to eat the lunch my
hostess had packed for me and spent the day in a sort of enchanted trance. High
hills look down on paddy-fields and vivid patches of young wheat and neat
vineyards; on orchards of apricot, peach, almond, apple and cherry trees
smothered in blossom, and on woods of willows, ash, birch and sinjit, their new
leaves shivering and glistening in the wind and sun. Lean, alert youths, their
clothes all rags and their bearing all pride, guard herds of cattle and
nervous, handsome horses and donkeys with woolly, delicately tripping foals,
and fat-tailed sheep with hundreds of bouncing lambs, and long-haired goats
whose kids are among the most delightful of young animals.”
Of the people she has much to say of their kindness, of
their desperate poverty, of their culture, their manners and their intelligence,
not to mention their smell! It is apparent that the Afghan people won her over
with their sharing and considerate nature. She discovers a similar fondness
both for the land and the people of Pakistan, and a somewhat more reserved
feeling about India, though the roads, apparently, were much improved.
In a time where all you hear about Afghanistan are
references to the Taliban and terrorism (or drugs), and when the Muslim
religion is under such intense criticism and pressure, this book is a real
antidote to the constant negative press. Murphy has much to say of the joint
stresses caused to Afghanistan by the presence of Western powers and Communist
Russia, much positive commentary on the Muslims she encounters, their sobriety,
kindness, generosity and politeness. She has much to say about the impact of the
religion on the territory, as well as the status of women in that society. Some
of what she says is quite surprising (even to herself) yet always considered.
That she came to love both Afghanistan and Pakistan, despite the privations of
her journey, is apparent in all the wonderful things she has to say about those
countries. It is a fascinating insight into a land and a time when
globalisation had done, perhaps, slightly less damage.
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